New Book!! Vultures to Vampires by David and Trevor on Kickstarter

A new kickstarter book might be on its way…

Starting from the day when Escom were the highest bidder at Commodore’s liquidator’s auction in New York (I was there), how their attempts to relaunch the Amiga spectacularly failed, then the troublesome years when our beloved computer bounced around from company to company, Viscorp, Quickpack, Gateway 2000, etc. and beyond.

The Checkmate A1500 Case

Amiga Cases – A500, A1200 and A600The new case is designed as an homage to the beauty and power of the Amiga 3000 and has the optional keyboard garage like the original Amiga 1000. The modular design is capable of building a highly powerful, True Amiga, based on the A500, A600 and A1200 motherboards with all of the extras that are available for these amazing computer motherboards like the Vampire accelerator/24bit graphics upgrade. http://www.apollo-accelerators.comThis video shows inside the case with components mounted with version two prototype testing.
