Whatsapp is the leading purveyor of metadata collection, a “cancer of mobile apps” perhaps. It has spread its tentacles far and wide and is making a mess of users’ privacy.WhatsApp also collects device-specific information when you install, access, or use their service — such as the model of your phone, its operating system, and information from your browser, IP address, and mobile network — including your phone number.Why should so much information be of interest to them? This goes against what they always claimed. That user privacy comes foremost.Please remember that their encryption protocol implementation is closed source; it’s proprietary. At any point in time, your messages can be easily seen by law enforcement. Who can collect it is a matter of debate but they are only interested in metadata which is more than enough to track any user. In fact, WhatsApp leaks your metadata like a sieve. Why do you want to stay invested in it?
Source: BBM: Why to use this app alone? – UTB Blogs