A-EON Technology acquires Aladdin4D
3D modelling, rendering and animation software
A-EON Technology is pleased to announce that it has purchased the AmigaOS source code and development rights for Aladdin4D from DiscreetFX. As part of the agreement A-EON will exclusively own the Aladdin4D 68k and PPC source code, domain name, brand and rights for all AmigaOS and related versions including emulation and future MorphOS and AROS ports. Meanwhile DiscreetFX will retaint the rights for non-Amiga related operating systems.
Aladdin 4D is software for modelling and rendering three-dimensional graphics and animations for the Amiga platform. It was originally created by Greg Gorby and subsequently updated by Nova Design before being acquired by DiscreetFX in December 2007. Prior to our acquisition DiscreetFX was working on a new version 6.0 for multiple platforms.
Aladdin 4D is one of the few modern 3D applications for the Amiga platform. It uses an OS-compliant GUI which supports RTG displays and utilizes the AmigaGuide Help system and also features an ARexx port for scripting.
Aladdin 4D includes many advanced 3D features:-
● Infinite layering of surfaces: A surface of an object may have a virtually infinite amount of textures, shaders etc layered on it.
● Spline modelling tool.
● Importing of most postscript files, making the creation of logos easier.
● Unlimited number of working layers: multiple working areas containing only a portion of the scene, easing out the management and pace of objects during the creation of animation.
● Gaseous volumetrics with adjustable mass.
● Built-in particle system to simulate various effects like fireworks.
● Morphing capabilities in the animation system.
● Spline animation controls also has advanced rendering features like motion blur, multiple pass supersampling, lens flares, 32-bit color support and a highly optimised 68k rendering engine. It also support multiple 3D formats such as: Aladdin 4D, Lightwave3D, GEO, EPS, DEM, Draw4D-Pro and Draw4D, 3D Studio for either loading or loading and saving. Image Formats supported for loading and saving: IFF/ILBM (palette mapped and 24-bit formats), JPEG and Video Toaster Framestores. In addition supports exchange of data with ImageFX, Amiga Lightwave 3D/Video Toaster, World Construction Set and all programs that support Nova Design’s “Magic” protocol for buffer sharing. The latest version runs on any Amiga platform or an emulated one, like Amiga Forever, UAE (including WinUAE & E-UAE), Pegasos or Mac Mini G4 systems running MorphOS.
Trevor Dickinson, A-EON’s co-founder commented on the latest addition to A-EON’s growing software catalogue. “The purchase of underlines our commitment to deliver more software content for the Amiga platform. Expect to see more titles added in the future.” DiscreetFX CEO, Bill Panagouleas, added, “Altough I’m sad to see it go, I know it is in a safe pair of hands and look forward to A-EON continuing it’s rich heritage.”
via A-EON Technology Ltd.